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Skill assessments

At Multies, we recognize the unique strengths that make each individual special. Our skill assessments are crafted to uncover and celebrate your diverse talents, helping you navigate toward a fulfilling and successful career that aligns with your multi-talented nature.

Book Your Intro Call

Why Choose Our Skill Assessments?

  • You want to : 

  • Gain clarity on your path

  • Discover Your true Potential

  • Build a Career Tailored to You

  • With Multies, you will :

  • Identify your strengths and overcome obstacles

  • Discover what makes you unique

  • Get insights for a tailored career plan


We recognize your unique journey and are here to help you embrace it fully. Led by a certified Strengthscope® coach, our program is tailored for multitalented professionals, executives, expatriates, and international leaders in transition. Together, we'll unlock your distinctive strengths, equipping you with the insights and confidence for successful career transformations

    Dicover Your Key Strengths

    Gain a deep understanding of what sets you apart.

    Insights into Your Potential

    Learn how to apply your strengths in various career paths

    Craft a Personalized Career Path

    Create a career plan that aligns with your unique abilities

Customized offers

We offer three investment tiers, each tailored to meet your specific needs, whether you're seeking a quick evaluation, a comprehensive plan, or intensive support for major career changes.


For specific urgent needs

• Quick skill assessment

• Personalized action plan

• Focused coaching.

1 - 2 months
12 hours

(Excl. 8,5% VAT for clients based in France9
Kickstart Your Journey


Professionals in transition

• Comprehensive skill evaluation

• skill development • Ongoing adjustments

3 months
18 hours

(Excl. 8,5% VAT for clients based in France)
Kickstart Your Journey


For major career changes or advancement

• In-depth assessment

• Extensive support

• Continuous follow-up

6 months
24 hours

(Excl. 8,5% VAT for clients based in France9

Next steps to get started

    1. Sign Up

    Register for one of our skill assessment program that best fits your needs and take the Strengthscope® assessment.

    3. Participate in Sessions

    Attend your scheduled sessions to discuss results and develop a personalized action plan.

    3. Implement and Review

    Apply the insights gained to advance your career, and continuously review your progress with ongoing support

Kickstart Your Journey

What our clients have to say about our programs

Valerie G.

Previous tour director, now a Country manager

French living in The Netherlands and lived in Italy

“I had been working for 10 years in the Fashion Industry driven by the fact I believed Fashion was my passion. After working on different positions, different companies, and different cities I continued to feel unsatisfied with my career. I decided to work with Magali as she had an international background and she inspired me as a Coach who would understand my personal situation as an expat searching for a change.
”Together we were able to reach my initial goal, which was to identify a work that I would feel passionate about. After brainstorming and going through different exercises, I finally found my passion, which was surprisingly something I would have never come up with on my own.
Magali is a special Coach with very sensitive skills. I would happily highly recommend her to anyone who’s seeking for a career change.

Claire P.

Director of Operations and member of Board of a non-profit

Australian living in the Netherlands

“U Diverse and Magali was a great experience for me. I have tried working with coaches before and found it hard to connect and find what I was working on useful to my career. Working with Magali was the opposite experience to what I have had in the past, she took the time to understand what I wanted to get out of the sessions which made each session interesting to me and relevant to my development. I was specifically working with Magali on leadership coaching and went into the sessions determined to 'fix' my weaknesses and as a result become a better leader. Magali helped me identify my strengths and how I can use these strengths to be that better leader instead of trying to fix the weaknesses. I am a much more confident leader as the result of the coaching and have really become self-aware of the value I bring to an organisation. Thanks Magali!.”